
Admission Procedure

  1.  Admissions are open from Classes Nursery to IX and XI. Parents are required to apply for admission on a prescribed form, attached in the prospectus of the School.
  2.  Admissions will be based on the result of entrance test. If the student fails in the entrance test, admission will not be granted to him / her.
  3.  Registration in the childs name, is not a guarantee for the admission.
  4.  In case of late joining the school, complete fees is payable.
  5.  No recommendation for admission will be entertained.

Fee & Other Expenses:

  1.  Fees is to be deposited for every quarter in advance, before 20th.
  2.  After 20th of the month, a late fee fine of Rs. 5/-per day shall be school.
  3.  School shall permit a student to sit in the class for 15 days, if the fees is not being paid during last month, after this grace period of 15 days, student will be turned back to home for which school shall not, take any responsibility. Such students shall not be allowed to sit for examinations.

Examinations and Promotion

Examination oriented education particularly of ICSE Syllabi, where emphasis is on English Language is always a joint efforts of HTCS Parents & Students

HTCS emphasizes that the parents must ensure that his child has complete his/her homework regularly.

  1.  Promotion is granted on the basis of whole year's work of the pupil. There will be two Terminal Examinations and Two Unit Tests ( First Term Test, Half Yearly Examination, Second Term Test, Final Examination ). The average marks of the examinations and tests are taken into consideration and only the student who secures an average of 40% per subject will be promoted.
  2.  Those who fail to appear for examination in any subject will be marked absent. In case of serious illness an application along with a report of a medical practitioner shall be submitted before the exam. No re-exam will be allowed.
  3.  Promotion of students who have been absent from examinations due to illness or other reasons for which permission was granted by Principal, will be considered on the basis of their academic record in the school. Those who forego both of the Terminal Exams will not be considered for promotion.
  4.  Those who lose or damage the Progress Report shall pay a fine of Rs.100/- for a fresh Report.
  5.  A student who uses unfair means in the test or examination will be given zero in the test and warned. Repetition of the offence will result in dismissal.
  6.  For the issue of any certificate other than the T.C. a fee of Rs.50/- will be charged.
  7.  Result declared at the end of the year is final in all the cases and will not be reconsidered, nor will the answer papers be shown.
  8.  Answer scripts, submitted by pupils during Annual Examination will not under any circumstance be shown to the student, parents, private tutors or anyone else.
  9.  Students who fail to obtain promotion for two consecutive years should make their seats available for hard working students by leaving the school.
  10.  Pupils are expected to put in 75% of attendance as required by the code.

Holy Trinity Church School is a ‘Minority Institution of the Church of North India.

Holy Trinity Church School id affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi, Offering quality education and preparing children for ICSE and ISC Examination in, Science and Commerce Streams.