
Sports & Games

Opportunities are provided to children to develop coordinated skills in a safe and a non-threatening environment. By taking part in structured play situations, both indoors and outdoors, children are offered a chance to try out new skills as well as practice familiar ones. As children gain control over their bodies, each child's self-esteem and confidence grows stronger.

Apart from learning the intricacies of various games and sports, the students develop physical stamina so essential to life.

Cultural Activities

School provides a unique learning experience through a wide selection of cultural activities. The school provides a balanced, all encompassing education by integrating the academic with arts, culture and sport.

We, at HTCS cherish these youngsters and encourage them to explore their true potentials by awakening their passions and cultivating their talents. No doubt, they would be more self-assured in this global world of growing opportunities but to blossom into peak performers, they should strive to restore a sense of focus into their lives. In this regard, it is pertinent not to lose sight of one’s goal and to forge ahead untrammeled by the distractions which constantly vie for their attention. It is always the earnest soul that has swayed the destiny of a nation. Imbued with passion for knowledge and quest for a lofty purpose, these souls will continue to blaze a trail for us by virtue of their hard work and resolute focus. The students of the school participate in various Inter School and Intra School Competitions where they not only prove their mettle but also act as tough competitors to the other participants.

Other Activities

Regular pursuit of a hobby is an integral part of the school's curriculum. Ample time is provided to each child to discover his/her sphere of interest. Effort is made in moulding and sharpening interest to enable a child to further excel in it. To develop aesthetics, sharpen sensibilities, channelise their energy and ignite interest in various co-curricular activities.

Facilities are provided for:

  1.  Essay Writing Competition
  2.  Painting Competition
  3.  Card Making Competition
  4.  Quiz Competition
  5.  Solo Singing Competition
  6.  Hand Writing Competition


It is an established fact that learning transcends into an effective experience when facts are etched in our mental frame through real life situations. We believe that such exposure to real life environment through excursions and field trips adds to holistic and comprehensive learning.